While relaxing on the couch, minding my own business, my daughter innocently asks for a mini fluffy cow for her birthday. What!? Who even knew that mini fluffy cows were a thing? I missed that good parenting memo.
A quick bit of Googling has revealed the ultimate in pet cuteness. If you don’t want to be drawn into the world of cute tiny cows, look away now!
Are Mini Fluffy Cows Good Pets?
Mini fluffy cows can make an adorable alternative to your usual pet. Although mini cows need to be kept in a field or pasture, they are relatively easy to look after. Personality-wise, they are similar to dogs; they are intelligent, good-natured, curious and playful.
How Much Is A Mini Fluffy Cow?
Prices vary from breed to breed, but you can expect to pay anything between $1,500 to $10,000 for a mini fluffy cow. A good rule of thumb to note is the smaller the mini cow when fully grown, the more expensive it will be. Small-sized bulls are the most costly as they are valuable for breeding.
Where Can I Buy A Mini Fluffy Cow?
You can buy mini fluffy cows from several mini cattle breeders. Below is a quick list to get you started. Please email us if you breed mini cows and would like to be added to the list to help our readers.
- Lovable Little Ones (USA)
- Our Little Acres (USA)
- White Mountain Miniature Cattle (USA)
- Charter Valley Farm (UK)
What Size Are Mini Fluffy Cows
Mini fluffy cows are 1/3 the size of a regular cow. Female mini fluffy cows are between 36″ to 42″ tall when fully grown. The bulls grow larger in overall size compared to the female cow and tend to be slightly taller, between 38″ to 42″.
How Much Do Mini Cows Weigh?
Female mini cows weigh between 500 to 800 pounds when fully grown. The bulls are heavier and can weigh up to 1200 pounds depending on the breed.
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Adorable Mini Cow Video
OK, brace yourself and don’t blame me if you end up purchasing a whole herd of mini fluffy cows after watching this adorable mini cow video.
If you have some land and are looking for a pet with a difference, a mini fluffy cow would make a fantastic outdoor pet. These animals are intelligent, playful and ultra-cute.
As they are very social animals, it is preferable to purchase several so they can stay in a small herd to keep each other company.
James is an avid blogger who loves creating articles all sorts of unusual topics